Thursday, April 18, 2013

Apoptosis-Why We Get Cancer?

As I have mentioned in my previous post there are multiple reasons for getting cancer. We can add diet, smoking, alcohol, viruses, ageing, hormones, polyphenols, benzene, toxins, radiation etc to the list which can contribute in causing cancer.

But to change the perspective let me introduce the concept of apoptosis.

Apoptosis is programmed cell death. To give an example the skin which you have today is not the same as 21 days back. Skin gets new cells every 21 days. Similarly the mucosa in our mouth and intestine changes every day. The old cells die and new ones take their place. The old ones die a planned, programmed death known as apoptosis.

If the cell refuses to die for any reason it becomes a problem. We need a healthy balance between death and birth of new cells in the body.

Apoptosis also plays very important role in our growth. Growth of the baby from single cell to a new born. From new born to infant and from infancy to teenager. At all this growth periods apoptosis plays a very crucial role of controlled, structured, beneficial growth.

Cancer cells become immortal by avoiding apoptosis. Many genes play a role in this apoptosis game. p53, BCL, TRAIL pathway etc. There are many drugs being developed to promote apoptosis of cancer cells.

To just give a philosophical touch...........cells which become too selfish and forget that they have to reside inside an organism become malignant, cancerous. They evade apoptosis but unfortunately kill the body in which they reside. They forget that their selfishness has to be balanced with the survival of the whole organism/body..

Does it strike a chord?

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