Sunday, December 10, 2006

Answers for few questions asked on yahoo answers

What is a Stem Cell Vaccine, its used to kill lung cancer?

Answer Stem Cell Vaccine is a type of vaccine where it is given as a prophylaxis. That is u vaccinate to prevent the disease. So it is incorrect to say that it kills lung cancer.
The experiment has been carried on mouse and it is long way away from being used in human beings.

Is there a treatment for Adenocarcinoma of G.E. junction (stoamch cancer). The cyst is of size 12/8/7 cm.?

Patient's age: M

Answer -

There is a treatment for adenocarcinoma of stomach.
First a list of investigations need to be done to determine the stage of the patient. Once it is staged , UR oncologist will be able to tell whether it immediately operable or not.
The treatment will include depending on the stage Surgery, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy.
It will be advisable to get a PET-CT done or atleast a CT scan.
If it can be operated upon then, after the operation , depending on the histopathological report, post op radiotherapy and chemotherapy will be adviced.
Please consult an Oncologist.

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